Welcome to Sahasrara Ayurveda .My name is Krithiga Karthik. I am an Ayurvedic Health Counsellor from Narayana Institute of Ayurveda and Yoga academy , NAMA approved Ayurvedic studies. Ayurveda is a holistic health system developed in India over 4000 years ago. Ayurveda states that 'Health is a state where there is harmony of body, mind and spirit'. My journey with Ayurveda began at an early age in India, especially with following Ayurvedic diet and chanting mantras.
I have 2 decades of experience as a pharmacist in the US , working and caring for people .I have always been interested in holistic wellness and healing the body naturally. Ayurvedic principles and mindful practice of Ayurveda came back to my life few short years ago as I was dealing with Peri-menopausal issues and uterine fibroids and stress. As I started learning more about my unique body-mind constitution ('Dosha'), communing with the nature and performing daily Ayurvedic practices ('Dinacharya'), seasonal ayurvedic detox, diet choices based on my dosha , my health and well-being improved significantly.
I continue to pursue Ayurveda and Yoga studies through Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai which is well known over the world and are pioneers in Yoga and Yoga therapy
It gives me great satisfaction to guide people towards their optimal health by using Ayurvedic principles and practices.

Krithiga Karthik (Founder of Sahasrara Ayurveda)